溫特伯頓先生的不幸旅程 The Misadventures of P B Winterbottom Proper 英文正式版(PUZ益智類遊戲軟體)
為了心愛的派,動動你的大腦吧。在「The Misadventures of P. B. Winterbottom」
Winterbottom 的初次冒險就嘗盡了時間與空間替他帶來的苦頭。一起加入
Winterbottom 的旅程,闖蕩所有 75 個奇幻關卡,在與時空競賽的過程
Enter a macabre and comical silent world filled with mischief, time travel
and delicious pie. Record yourself and harness your time bending abilities
to cooperate, compete against, and disrupt your past present and future
selves. Winterbottom's debut misadventures present a whimsical spin on the
notions of time, space and play.
Join Winterbottom on his award winning debut Misadventures as he travels
through over 80 unique puzzles. Winterbottom causes mischief and mayhem in
pursuit of the mysterious and elusive Chronoberry Pie on his spectacular
journey through space-time
溫特伯頓的不幸旅程 The Misadventures Of P.B Winterbottom 英文正式版(益智遊戲軟體)
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