RevisionFX Video Gogh v3.6 英文正式版(AE濾鏡軟體)
Providing an easy and intuitive interface, Video Gogh employs
the powerful technology used in 'What Dreams May Come,' 1998
Academy Award Winner for Best Visual Effects. How it works:
Simply open a movie with Video Gogh, make a few choices and
Gogh! Out comes a painted painted animation. Couldn't be simpler.
RevisionFX Video Gogh v3.5.5 英文正式版(AE濾鏡軟體)
RevisionFX Twixtor v5.1+2 英文正式版(AE濾鏡軟體)
RevisionFX REMap v2.1.3英文正式版(AE濾鏡軟體)
RevisionFX DeNoise v2.1 for AE 英文正式版(After Effects插件/用於去除噪點軟體)
ACD Systems ACDSee Video Studio 3 v3.0.0.219 x64 英文正式版(ACDSee飛鳥簡輯軟體)
RevisionFX DENoise v3.1 英文正式版(After Effects插件/用於去除噪點軟體)
Movavi Video Suite v18.1.0 (x86 + x64) 照片、影片編輯、轉檔、抓圖、錄影、燒錄工具 繁體中文版